Career events are like social media: you mostly see the results of weeks of visualizing, planning, and coordination.
But what's behind the scenes? Let's see!
1. The "shopping" list
We start with selecting the PR products we bring with us, products that fit best the occasion. These are usually given as gifts to the participants, but we like to gamify, so in our case the participants are quizzed to win hiking hats, tennis vizors, running scarfs or notebooks amongst other surprizes.

2. A lot of complex decisions
In 2023, we brought with us something new and something blue. Something new as we got a cool new model of pens and running scarves and something blue since that's our main identifier to be more specific our #1e91f9 tint.
When we are choosing new products, we are carefully considering all the options: the different models, shades, and overall feel of the products. Remember, small details lead to big impact. The PR products are the material representatives of the company that speak more about the culture than any conversation: do they give out cheap products or high-end ones?
Speaking of details, can you spot the difference between the two blues in the first picture? We opted for the smaller, but heavier pen and went with a combination of blue and white to match the sports products we usually have in blue and the set-up which is white.
Other than pens, notebooks, sports products, we always bring some flyers with us: Can you guess which one was the most popular one?

3. Direct feedback from the "clients"
Since this was a career fair, students were interested in our summer internship program, what's more than proof, that we were out of the internship flyers before the end of the event? But that's always a goof sign, people are interested in us and want to join the team.Hope to see many familiar faces in July!

4. The rush hour
Oh and finally, something companies rarely show, but I find quite funny: the wait for the cab on the streets. Not the most glorious part, but hey at least we had a nice sunny day.
That's it, a few examples of what goes on when we prepare for a career event and what fo we take into consideration when selecting products.

... and all of this to meet with our future colleagues. How exciting!
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